Book Review Title Love Is A
Four Letter Word Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Sex.
Yes. She remembered that. Wasn't that the
thing that happened somewhere between the
talking-and-going-out-to-dinner bit and
the sobbing-and-eating-too-many-biscuits
bit? Still, Bella was sure she could
handle some - preferably before her as yet
unopened packet of condoms reached their
expiry date. She must be practically a
virgin again by now, all sealed over like
pierced ears if you don't wear earrings
for too long. But the
'L' word? Uh-huh. No way. She never wanted
to hear it again. There were things in her
past which needed to be put well away,
like the 27 boxes of clutter she'd brought
from her old flat. And having changed her
job, her town, her entire life - the one
thing she wasn't about to change was her
mind. We Say Not the
most original title for a romance novel,
I'll say that. But
that's about as far as criticisms go as
far as this book is concerned.
Is A Four Letter
tells the story of Bella, a complex
character whose happiness and sadness
seems to bound from one extreme to the
other, taking you with her. Bella is
still struggling to overcome the grief of
losing a previous partner who died in
tragic circumstances, when she meets Will.
At the same time, she is trying to
overcome and make sense of her disastrous
relationship with her mother. You will be
completely absorbed by the journey they
all take. Possibly the most
heart-wrenching parts of the book are
Bella's struggles to allow herself to be
happy in love with someone without feeling
guilty and that she is betraying her
previous partner. The
author of Love Is A Four Letter Word, Claire
has created an incredibly likable
character in Bella. You will find yourself
wanting to take her hand and guide her to
safety. As a result, Calman has produced
one of the finest books I have read for
some time. Extremely funny, the dialogue -
particularly between Bella and Will - is
hauntingly realistic, hilarious and
heartbreaking. Usually at the same
time. Get your
hands on a copy of this book and your
emotions will take a battering. Brilliant
fiction. Review by: Rob Cook Buy It - Buy This Book |
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